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Flying with Light

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PLR STPRS-Ox Solar Tracking Photochemical Reaction System

PLR STPRS-Ox Solar Tracking Photochemical Reaction System
  • Introduction
  • Application
  • Literature
  • Maintenance

This device is an organic combination of a solar tracking system and a photochemical reaction system, creating an experimental platform that utilizes outdoor sunlight to drive chemical reactions, significantly enhancing the utilization of solar energy.

This device provides an experimental setup for small-scale outdoor photoreactions in the laboratory and allows for sampling of products, gas separation, and measurement. It is mainly used for synthesis and catalytic gas production in outdoor photochemical reactions with flat-panel reactors.


Key Features

● High transparency and high medium resistance of the reactor;

● Adjustable liquid layer thickness of the reactor;

● Automatic tracking device with outdoor sunlight control tracking;

● Integrated gas separation, sampling, and measurement.

Technical Parameters

Solar Tracking Device Size adapted to the photoreactor Control Mode Light-controlled automatic tracking and manual control
Tracking Device Load ≤10 kg (adaptable)
Horizontal Operating Angle 0 ~ 210° (factory setting, with the easternmost side as the reference, adjustable)
Vertical Operating Angle 0 ~ 90° (factory setting, with perpendicular to the ground as the reference, adjustable)

Photoreaction Parameters

Effective Area 250 × 250 mm (optional) Load Plate Material Frosted Glass (optional)
Light Window Material Ultra-white Glass (optional) Reactor Liquid Layer Thickness 1 ~ 3 mm

System Parameters

Reaction Pressure Atmospheric pressure ~ 50 kPa Glass Liquid Storage Bottle Effective Volume Approximately 300 mL (adaptable)
Reaction Temperature Room Temperature Reaction Liquid Contact Materials Glass, Fluoroplastic, Rubber, Stainless Steel, etc.
Rotameter Flow Range 1 L/min (adaptable) Material Delivery Flow Rate Recommended above 100 mL/min
Gas Measurement Device Range 1 ~ 200 mL (adaptable)
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