Do you know which instruments are suitable for your samples?
Are there other applications for your samples?
If you're working on materials for hydrogen production and want to conduct CO₂ reduction experiments but lack the necessary conditions, what can you do?
During school closures due to the pandemic, what do you do when you're just one set of data away from completing your tests?
If a reviewer requests additional test data but you lack the corresponding experimental conditions, what's your plan?
If you encounter any of these issues, please contact Perfectlight Technology. We offer one-on-one services and deliver efficient, high-quality, and precise data.
Testing services include:
Photocatalysis: Hydrogen/oxygen/full water splitting, CO₂ reduction, AQY, STH
Photoelectrocatalysis: Hydrogen/oxygen/full water splitting, CO₂ reduction, Faradaic efficiency
Photothermal catalysis: Hydrogen/oxygen/full water splitting, CO₂ reduction, AQY, STH
Professional: Our professional testing team, with experienced engineers, provides expert sample preparation and testing services.
Precision: Precise testing services tailored to your specific sample and testing requirements.
Efficiency: Shorter testing cycles ensure you receive valuable data promptly, accelerating the release of your research results.
Contact Information:
If you have any inquiries, you can add our dedicated staff on WeChat for assistance.